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There are a lot of issues that currently plague our state and our country. For many of them, different viewpoints on these issues have resulted in too much hateful speech and attacking of one another. It’s time to set aside our differences and work on the real issues to make life better for all Michiganders. 

As a candidate for the Michigan House of Representatives, I am committed to representing the diverse interests of our community and working towards common-sense solutions that address the needs of all citizens. My platform is rooted in moderate Republican principles that prioritize fiscal responsibility, economic growth, individual liberties, and the well-being of Michigan residents.

Economic Prosperity: I support pro-business policies such as reducing regulations and fostering a favorable environment for entrepreneurship, to attract investment, create jobs, and strengthen our local economy. 

  • I am an advocate for pro-business policies that attract investment and create job opportunities.

  • I support targeted tax incentives to encourage small business growth and innovation.

  • We need to foster collaboration between government, educational institutions, and private sectors to ensure a skilled and adaptable workforce.

  • I will promote infrastructure development to enhance transportation and connectivity, facilitating economic development.

Education: As an educator, I believe that every child should have access to quality education. It's time to put Michigan back on top as the top state in the country in terms of funding and educating our youth. 

  • I will advocate for increased funding for K-12 education, ensuring that every student has access to a high-quality education regardless of their zip code.

  • I support vocational and technical education programs that equip students with practical skills for the workforce.

  • I will encourage partnerships between local businesses and schools to provide real-world learning experiences and job opportunities.

Healthcare: I advocate for reforms that increase access to quality healthcare, lower costs, and protect the doctor-patient relationship. 

  • We need to work towards affordable healthcare solutions, emphasizing competition, transparency, and market-driven reforms.

  • I support measures to address mental health issues and increase access to mental health services.

  • We need to foster partnerships between government and private sectors to expand healthcare access, especially in underserved communities.

Environment:  I believe that we need to pursue responsible policies that balance environmental protection and the needs of businesses and individuals 

  • I will advocate for responsible environmental stewardship, balancing conservation with economic growth.

  • I will encourage voluntary conservation efforts and partnerships between government and businesses to promote sustainable practices.

  • I will advocate for policies that safeguard the interests of farmers, ensuring fair market practices and protecting against undue regulatory burdens

Liberties: I support individual liberty as a fundamental principle, advocating for the preservation of personal freedoms and rights that empower individuals to make their own choices and pursue their aspirations.

  • I will defend the constitutional rights of all citizens, including the right to free speech, assembly, and religious freedom.

  • I support the 2nd Amendment while advocating for responsible gun ownership and addressing issues related to mental health and public safety.

  • I support privacy protections for individuals in the digital age.


Fiscal Responsibility: I prioritize responsible spending, lower taxes, and balanced budgets to promote economic growth while ensuring efficient government services. 

  • I will advocate for a balanced budget and responsible fiscal policies to ensure the long-term financial stability of our state.

  • I will prioritize efficiency in government operations, eliminating wasteful spending.

  • I will promote transparency in budgeting and appropriations to keep citizens informed.

Infrastructure Investment: I recognize the critical importance of infrastructure investment, committing to robust funding and strategic initiatives to enhance and modernize our roads, bridges, broadband, and other essential structures, fostering economic growth and ensuring the well-being of our communities.

  • I will prioritize investments in critical infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and broadband access.

  • I support initiatives that improve water quality and ensure the safety of our drinking water.

  • I will advocate for smart growth policies that consider the environmental impact and long-term sustainability of infrastructure projects.

My platform is designed to address the diverse needs of Michigan residents while upholding the core principles of the Republican Party. It seeks to find common ground and pragmatic solutions that move our state forward, fostering a prosperous and inclusive future for all.


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